A well used, simple drip winder mounted on a garden cart with 2x4s, Sauvie Island Organics, Portland, OR
Spooling out new tape with a garden cart mounted drip winder
Drip winder on a simple stand
Detail of the crank and flange on a drip winder
Aaron Howard tieing a bale of drip tape at Skyline Farm, Portland, OR
An overhand knot on a bite is used for a pully and is tied off with a hitch on a bite which allows it be easily untied and reused
The plywood round for a drip winder. The threads of a flange are showing through the center. T nuts hold the flange in place.
The flip side of the plywood round with a flange mounted at the center.
The center axle of a drip winder. A 1" pipe nipple is slid over a 1/2" pipe nipple and held in place with a roll pin at the center. A flange, mounted to the plywood with T nuts holds the plywood side in place.
The second plywood side screws onto the other side of the 1" pipe.
The drip winder on a stand. A plastic pipe for spooling is needed before winding tape.
A bale of drip tape wound on the drip winder. It has a plastic pipe in the center and is tightly tied with poly twine.
An example of a simple stand for the drip winder.
Tractor driven drip winder at Eatwell Farm, Dixon, CA
Spools for tractor driven drip winder at Eatwell Farm, Dixon, CA