

Here are links to some reviews  of equipment I’ve used, or tried, or maybe some notes on things that look interesting to me. (The most recent reviews are of bike gear, but it has farm applications, and I'm also using a bike for farm deliveries so that's why it's on my mind)

The Bullitt One Year Later - May 2013

Bullitt Cargo Bike - April 2012

BikeMount iPhone case and mount - April 2012 (updated June 2013)

BikeBrain iPhone App - April 2012

Motorola S10-HD Bluetooth Headset - April 2012 (updated March 2013)

Earthway Precision Seeder - August 2011

Herron Hoe - June 2011


More reviews very soon - if you have something you’d like reviewed let me know.  If it’s something I already use, or that I’m interested in, I’ll try to get a review up as soon as possible.

I add to this site because I like collecting this information and I’ve found similar sites incredibly helpful.  I hope this site is helpful for you, and if it is, please consider a donation to help me spend more time putting up more.  Thanks!

other places you can find me

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